hps+ 超声波传感器

Sensorbild - Matrix


hps+ 现在也配备了防护齿轮 - 对于所有需要耐化学腐蚀和耐压的hps+传感器。



  • 可选择性地用于常压或高压下
  • 聚四氟乙烯薄膜 用于防护腐蚀性物质
  • hps+340可以选择不锈钢或PVDF外壳 用于食品工业
  • FFKM全氟橡胶环型密封圈 起到防护外壳的作用 用于需要高度耐化学腐蚀的环境
  • 测量值直接以mm/cm或%的方式通过LED显示出来
  • 可通过数字显示器预设数值的传感器
  • UL认证符合加拿大和美国安全标准 


  • 2个pnp开关量输出
  • 模拟量+1个开关量输出
  • 检测距离从 30 mm 到 8 m,存在4种检测量程
  • 可以使用T1或T2按钮来进行microsonic的示教
  • 0.025 mm ~2.4 mm 的分辨率
  • 温度补偿
  • 工作电压 9–30 V
  • 连接控制 可以通过连接电脑来配置传感器参数



新的 hps+传感器配备了一个特氟隆薄膜作为标准配置


 hps+传感器可以被用来进行6 bar正压下的液/料位检测。通过一个1“ 或者2“ (hps+340)螺纹法兰实现在容器中的密闭安装。

耐化学性和密闭紧密性已经通过存储在纤维素稀释剂上方和1,000,000 次交替加压测试。纤维素稀释剂是极度腐蚀物并且具有高度 侵入性。

图左:  检测距离为 3.4 m的hps+340传感器,带 2“的氟树脂或者1.4571不锈钢螺纹法兰
图右: 特氟隆保护膜用全氟橡胶环形密封圈密封,形成了外壳防护

Two different output stages are available for four detection ranges:

2 switching outputs in pnp switching technology
1 analogue output with an additional pnp switching output

The hps+ sensors with switching output have three operating modes:

  • Single switching point
  • Two-way reflective barrier
  • Window mode

Two three-colour LEDs

always show the current state of the switching outputs or the analogue output.

With TouchControl

all configuration can be done right at the sensor. The easily legible three-digit LED display continually shows the current distance value and automatically switches between millimetre and centimetre displays.

Setting a switching or analogue output

can optionally be carried out by numeric input of the desired distance values, or using a Teach-in procedure. This permits the user to select the configuration method preferred. The hps+ sensors support synchronisation and multiplex operation and have extensive parameterisation options via LinkControl.
Further information on how to set up hps+ sensors can be found at mic+ sensors.


consists of the LinkControl adapter and the LinkControl software and facilitates the configuration of the hps+ sensors via a PC or laptop with any conventional conventional Windows® operating system.

Sensor connected to the PC via LCA-2 for programming