Sensor matrix of standard sensors


The LCA-2 facilitates the comfortable setting of numerous microsonic sensor series.

download sensor line as pdf


  • Three-digit digital display for the display of measured distance values in mm or cm
  • TeachBox with four-button operation for programming of the sensor without a PC
  • LinkCopy function for copying the sensor settings from one sensor to another without a PC
  • Uniform microsonic teach-in for all microsonic sensors to keep easy things easy


  • Handy adapter for the programming of ultrasonic sensors
  • USB interface for connection to a PC
  • T plug to insert the adapter between the connector cable and the sensor
  • LinkControl software free download of the current version on the Internet
  • Backwards-compatible so sensors that have been in the field for a long time can still be programmed
  • Future-proof since the LinkControl adapter will also support future generations of sensors


The LinkControl adapter LCA-2

is equipped with a USB interface for connection to a PC or laptop.

With the LinkControl software,

the ultrasonic sensors of the mic+, mic, pico+, lpc+, cube , lcs+, lcs, ucs, pico+TF, crm+, hps+, pms, bks+, bks, dbk+, esp and esf series can be parameterised under Windows®.

LinkControl software: input mask

The current measurement values

of the ultrasonic sensors can be graphically visualised in the LinkControl software in the form of three different output graphics.

LinkControl software: measurement plotter

The LinkCopy function

allows the download of parameters from the sensor to the LCA-2 and the subsequent upload of these parameters to a different sensor. This way, sensor settings can be conveniently copied from one sensor to the other.

USB interface for PC connection

Offline programming within LinkCopy

With some sensor series, the sensor settings copied to the LCA-2 can be directly indicated and edited via the digital display before being written back into a sensor.

For the LinkCopy function, the LinkControl adapter need not be connected to a PC. The LCA-2 reads the parameters out of the sensor and saves them internally to its EEPROM. The data are thus safely stored in the LinkControl adapter even after supply voltage disconnection and can consequently also be used as a sensor setting archive.

LinkCopy: Copying of sensor settings

Via the integrated TeachBox,

all ultrasonic sensors which are taught via pin 5 at the sensor plug (mic, pico+, lpc+, lcs, esf) can be comfortably set. The Link-Control adapter LCA-2 is looped in between the sensor connection line and the sensor; a PC or laptop is not required. During the teach-in process via buttons T1 and T2, the length of the button stroke is indicated in seconds on the display.

The TeachBox & LinkCopy

Which sensor families support LinkControl and LinkCopy?

Cylindrical Sensors

Link­Control Link­Copy
mic+ + +
mic + +
wms - -
crm+ + +
hps+ + +
pico+TF + +
pico+ + +
pico+/F/A + -
lpc+ + -
nano - -
nero - -
Valid LinkControl from Version 8.1 (Rev. A)

Cubic Sensors

Link­Control Link­Copy
cube + -
lcs+ + +
lcs + -
sks - -
ucs + -
zws - -

Special Sensors

Link­Control Link­Copy
bks + +
bks+/A + -
dbk+ + -
esf-1 + -
esp-4 + -
ews - -
pms + +
  • lca2_1046x850.jpg
    Get the current LinkControl software! Version 8.2
    This version supplies our new sensors: pms, pico+, pico+TF, cube , lcs+, hps+, dbk+, esp-4, esf-1/xx/yy/A and bks+. For an update we recommend to delete the existing LinkControl software under Windows beforehand.
    Download LinkControl Software