The design of the wash-down stainless steel housing with no crevices and dirt edges makes pms sensor perfectly suited to intensive cleaning and disinfection.
hohe Chemiebeständigkeit PVDF-Gehäuse schlankes Schallfeld IO-Link
echo propagation time measurement
320 kHz
30 mm
250 mm
350 mm
0.069 mm
± 0.15 %
± 1 % (temperature drift internally compensated)
10 - 30 V d.c., reverse polarity protection
± 10 %
≤ 40 mA
5-pin M12 initiator plug
switching output Push-Pull, UB-3 V, -UB+3 V,Imax = 100 mA
3 mm
25 Hz
32 ms
< 300 ms
com input synchronisation input teach-in input
COM2 (38,4 kBaud)
8,4 ms
16 Bit, R, UNI16
Bit 0: Q1 switch status; Bit 1-15: distance value with a resolution of 0,1 mm
detect point 1, return detect point 1, detect point 2, return detect point 2, foreground suppression, NO/NC operation, filter, filter strength, interference noise suppression, activation/deactivation of teach-in via Pin 5
teach detect point, teach detect point + 8 %, teach reflective barrier, load factory settings
IODD version 1.0.1
coated with PTFE film, FFKM O-ring
1 Nm
IP 67
-25°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C
30 g
com input
Teach-in via com input on pin 5 LCA-2 with LinkControl IO-Link
1 x LED green: working, 1 x LED yellow: switch status
hohe Chemiebeständigkeit PVDF-Gehäuse schlankes Schallfeld IO-Link
For the convenient setting of a large number of microsonic sensor families. The LinkControl-Adapter LCA-2 can be used to read, copy or write parameters. ...
LCA-2 Koffer
Set for convenient setting of a number of microsonic sensor families. Contents: LCA-2 - Adaptor for sensors with cable connection (lcs) ...